How Can I Get an Invitation Code for a TikTok Shop?

Invitation Code Requirement

To establish a TikTok Shop, you would require an invitation code. This code is essentially a pass that grants you access to this feature. The requirement of an invitation code is one way TikTok ensures that only authentic and established brands can set up a shop on their platform. It maintains the credibility and integrity of TikTok Shop, making it a trusted shopping platform for users.

How To Get An Invitation Code for TikTok Shop

To get an invitation code for your TikTok Shop, you would need to meet certain criteria set by the platform. These requirements include having established and active accounts on both TikTok and Douyin (the Chinese version of TikTok), meeting specific follower counts, and adhering to content guidelines. Once you fulfill these conditions, you can request an invitation code from TikTok through various channels.

Ways to Request an Invitation Code

There are a few ways to request an invitation code for your TikTok Shop:

  • Contacting Customer Support: You can contact TikTok’s customer support team through their in-app support or email channels. They will review your account and determine if you meet the criteria for an invitation code.
  • Directly from TikTok’s Website: You can also request an invitation code through TikTok’s website. Go to the “TikTok for Business” section, click on “Create a TikTok Shop,” and then select “Apply for Invitation Code.” You will need to fill in your account information and submit it for review.
  • Partnering with Influencers or Brands: If you have connections with influencers or established brands on TikTok, you can ask them to invite you to set up a shop on their behalf. This method is relatively easier as the influencer or brand already has an invitation code and can grant access to others. However, this approach may require a certain level of trust and collaboration between both parties.

Tips for Getting an Invitation Code

  • Build Your TikTok Presence: To be eligible for an invitation code, you must have an established presence on TikTok. This means consistently creating high-quality content, engaging with your followers, and growing your follower count.
  • Follow Content Guidelines: TikTok has strict content guidelines that all creators and businesses must adhere to. To increase your chances of getting an invitation code, make sure to follow these guidelines when creating and posting content on the platform.
  • Establish a Douyin Account: As mentioned earlier, having a Douyin account (the Chinese version of TikTok) is also required for getting an invitation code. If you don’t have one yet, consider setting one up and building your presence on that platform as well.
  • Network with Other TikTok Users: Building connections and networking with other users on TikTok can also increase your chances of getting an invitation code. Consider joining engagement groups or collaborating with other creators to gain exposure and potentially receive an invitation code through them.
  • Stay Active on the Platform: TikTok wants active and engaged businesses on their platform, so make sure to stay active by consistently posting content, engaging with your followers, and exploring different features such as live streaming or duets.
  • Be Patient: Requesting an invitation code for a TikTok shop may take some time, so it’s important to be patient. Continue growing your presence on the platform and following all the guidelines, and eventually, you may receive an invitation code.
  • Consider Advertising: If you’re still struggling to get an invitation code, consider running ads on TikTok. This can help increase your visibility and potentially catch the attention of TikTok’s team, increasing your chances of receiving an invitation code.
  • Contact TikTok Support: If you’ve followed all the steps above and are still unable to get an invitation code for a TikTok shop, consider reaching out to TikTok support directly. They may be able to assist you further or provide more information on when invitations will be available in your region.
  • Keep Trying: Don’t give up! While getting an invitation code for a TikTok shop may seem daunting initially, it’s important to keep trying and following the steps mentioned above. With perseverance and a strong presence on the platform, you may eventually receive an invitation code and be able to start your own TikTok shop.
  • Conclusion: In conclusion, getting an invitation code for a TikTok shop may require effort and patience, but it is definitely worth it. By following these tips and guidelines, you can increase your chances of receiving an invitation code and joining the growing community of businesses on TikTok. So don’t wait any longer; start building your presence on TikTok today! So don’t hesitate to try out these strategies and see how they work for you in obtaining an invitation code for your very own TikTok shop. Give yourself the

Final Words

Getting an invitation code for a TikTok shop may require some effort and patience, but it is definitely worth it. By following these tips and guidelines, you can increase your chances of receiving an invitation code and joining the growing community of businesses on TikTok. So don’t wait any longer; start building your presence on TikTok today! So don’t hesitate to try these strategies and see how they work in obtaining an invitation code for your TikTok shop.


Q: How do I get a TikTok invitation code?

A: Visit the Profile, Discover, or For You page on TikTok. Locate and select the TikTok Rewards banner or widget. Then, click on the coin symbol located in the upper left corner of your screen. Your referral link and invitation code for the TikTok Shop can be found on this page.

Q: What is the invitation code?

A: An invitation code is a distinct identifier linked to your organization’s profile. This code is set by your business to simplify the process of confirming your user identity. You may be asked to provide additional details during this process.

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